2023 3rd International Conference on Internet Technology and Educational Informatization(ITEI 2023)


1661911156825_2B0AC240-12D7-4333-8F1D-59F389A4DF33.png  Conference Secretary: Katniss Tam

1661911082805_C9731E2A-48CF-4f6d-B2B7-3FEACAF69F6D.png  E-mail: icitei@126.com

1661910965610_F6D34FB5-96D8-41b9-BD3C-46FC5735A5D7.png  Mobile: +86-15360858776 (Wechat)

1661911259360_ACB4A078-9581-4ea6-A6C7-1142FC015720.png  QQ: 254933727

The Secretary office of  ITEI 2023 will be collecting all the contributions and managing the daily organizing work of the conference. All the paper peer-review process will be completed by the conference Program Committee members and externally invited expert reviewers.

If you have any question or inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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